We all know exercise is good for us, and an essential part of a fit, healthy lifestyle. But did you know that moving your body on the regular can have a positive impact on other areas of your life too? Your productivity, mental health, and creativity all get a boost when you exercise.
Scientists have found that there’s a clear link between more physical activity and out-of-the-box thinking that engages the imagination. It’s been proven before that exercise changes our brains, and it seems that there is now evidence to suggest that an active lifestyle can help stimulate an active imagination. Regular exercise is the key here, as the fatigue that comes along with exercise you’re not used to can actually result in a creativity crash. The more you exercise, the more you’ll start to reap the benefits.
So what are the best ways to boost your creativity via exercise? It’s not an exact science (yet), but we think injecting some creativity into your movement routine is the way to go. Studies showed that people who moved more fluidly, such as in dancing or aerobics, had a bigger creativity boost than those who stuck to rigid, predictable movements. Environment also plays a part; the great outdoors is known to be stimulating for the mind, so instead of jumping on the treadmill, take a brisk walk or jog somewhere beautiful instead. And finally, stick to the kind of exercise that lets your mind wander. If you’re focusing too hard on an intense training routine, it won’t leave much room for ideas and inspiration to flow in.
To leave more time in your day for creativity-boosting exercise, stock your fridge or freezer with a few Fitfood meals. They’re super quick and easy to prepare or heat and eat, taking one less thing off your list for the day, and they’re designed to support a healthy lifestyle.