NZ Ministry of Health defines obesity as “an excessively high amount of body fat (adipose tissue) in relation to lean body mass.” There is evidence that obese children and adults are at greater risk of short-term and long-term health consequences.
A New Zealand health survey from 2017/2018 reveals that around 1 in 3 adults (aged 15 years and over) are obese (32%).
We all know the health risks of being obese both for adults and children. If obesity is not controlled it may lead to diseases like high blood pressure, impaired glucose tolerance, and cancer.
One of the effective methods to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight is portion control.
What is portion control?
In simple words, portion control means limiting the size of the meals we are consuming daily to avoid overeating. We overeat in a lot of circumstances like when in a restaurant or a party, while watching TV etc… This overeating leads to obesity and makes us prone to health risks.
You can see the NZ Ministry of Health healthy eating tips and the four food groups by them here.
What are the benefits of portioned controlled meals?
- Weight loss – High-calorie food with less or no physical activity leads to weight gain and if we are consuming high-calorie food regularly there are high chances of us being overweight. Keeping portions small helps us consume only our required daily calorie intake, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
- Better digestion – With portion-controlled meals, the digestive system is not overloaded. It also aids in preventing indigestion.
- Balanced sugar level – Improper eating increases the risk of high blood sugar level. This can lead to insulin resistance. Small meals help in controlling glucose levels and helps the body to function properly.
- Long-term change – Once we develop the habit of healthy eating and portion control it will stay with us and will help us in maintaining a healthy weight.
How to control meal portions?
- Use small plates to eat
- Read food labels
- Measure food
- Drink water before eating
- Avoiding eating in front of the TV
- Share meals in restaurants
- Eat veggies
At Fitfood we offer portion-controlled meals and you can view our popular weight management menu and low carb menu to see meal options available to you.
For any further information on our meals feel free to contact us on